Teacher with students in the classroom

University Counseling at Rochambeau

Rochambeau, the French International School is committed to student success far beyond the classroom. Taking into account their values, beliefs, motivation and potential, our mission is to prepare students for their next steps: going to university, choosing a profession, and making a meaningful contribution to the world.

Our expert counseling combined with comprehensive resources provides students and their families a deeper understanding of the higher education possibilities.

 What we offer
Class of students working on their computer
 College acceptances
Several College penants on the wall


Exam paperwork on table and students working in the background


Teacher hand searching for paperwork
Promotionnal brochures from colleges



Meet the University Counseling Team

Erika Toren

Director of University Advising, Directrice du département Orientation universitaire

Karine Gaultier

Conseillère d'orientation & Responsable Post Bac Europe, Guidance counselor & Europe University counselor

Maggie Martin

University Advisor, Conseillère d’orientation

Maelle Gasquet

University Advisor, Conseillère d’orientation

Dalila Bessaha


University Counseling News

University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!

Vous trouverez ici les enregistrements vidéos des 3 dernières réunions en ligne organisées par notre équipe d'Orientation universitaire : Dual Enrollment with Montgomery College, The Testing Landscape, and The little-known secrets of paying for College.

Please find here the last 3 online meetings video recordings organized by our University Advising Team : Dual Enrollment with Montgomery College, The Testing Landscape, and The little-known secrets of paying for College.

Read More about University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!
Rochambeau, un accompagnement jusqu'aux portes de l'université !

Karine Gaultier, conseillère d'orientation, a visité plusieurs universités en France et aux Pays-Bas pour rencontrer nos diplômés 2024. Ces visites leur ont apporté un accompagnement personnalisé dans leurs premiers pas à l'université. Cette initiative reflète l'engagement de Rochambeau à soutenir ses élèves, même après leur diplôme, et à garantir leur succès à long terme.

Guidance Counselor Karine Gaultier visited universities in France and the Netherlands to check in with Rochambeau's 2024 graduates. These visits provided ongoing support as they navigate their first steps into university life. The initiative reflects Rochambeau’s commitment to academic excellence and long-term student success, even beyond graduation. Read more about how we continue to help our alumni thrive!

Read More about Rochambeau, un accompagnement jusqu'aux portes de l'université !