Teacher with students in the classroom

The University Counseling Team offers:

  • Career and higher education advice and information from 9th grade onwards

  • Individual counseling sessions with parents & students

  • Tailored informational meetings on higher education topics

  • Support with the college process: creating college lists, admissions and testing requirements, deadline management 

  • Host representatives from colleges and universities from around the globe annually 

  • Interview Preparation 

  • Facilitation of motivational interviews for French university applicants

  • Craft counselor letters of recommendation

  • Management of teacher recommendation letters

  • Communications via email regarding important university admissions information 

  • Annual College Boot Camp Series for juniors

  • Dual Enrollment Partnership with Montgomery College

Grade Level Overview

University Counseling News

Stage des Secondes | Every parent can help our students!

La réussite de nos élèves dans la vie active commence aujourd’hui, et chaque parent de notre communauté peux les aider ! Chaque année, les élèves de Seconde ont l’opportunité d’effectuer un stage de découverte en entreprise de deux semaines, du 27 mai au 6 juin. Rochambeau a besoin de votre soutien : Accueillez un élève dans votre entreprise !

The future success of our students starts right now - and every parent of our community can be part of it! Each year, 10th grade students at Rochambeau participate in a two-week Job Shadow program, May 27 - June 6. Rochambeau needs your support: welcome a student to your business!

Read More about Stage des Secondes | Every parent can help our students!
University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!

Vous trouverez ici les enregistrements vidéos des 3 dernières réunions en ligne organisées par notre équipe d'Orientation universitaire : Dual Enrollment with Montgomery College, The Testing Landscape, and The little-known secrets of paying for College.

Please find here the last 3 online meetings video recordings organized by our University Advising Team : Dual Enrollment with Montgomery College, The Testing Landscape, and The little-known secrets of paying for College.

Read More about University Advising | Webinars video recordings available!
Rochambeau, un accompagnement jusqu'aux portes de l'université !

Karine Gaultier, conseillère d'orientation, a visité plusieurs universités en France et aux Pays-Bas pour rencontrer nos diplômés 2024. Ces visites leur ont apporté un accompagnement personnalisé dans leurs premiers pas à l'université. Cette initiative reflète l'engagement de Rochambeau à soutenir ses élèves, même après leur diplôme, et à garantir leur succès à long terme.

Guidance Counselor Karine Gaultier visited universities in France and the Netherlands to check in with Rochambeau's 2024 graduates. These visits provided ongoing support as they navigate their first steps into university life. The initiative reflects Rochambeau’s commitment to academic excellence and long-term student success, even beyond graduation. Read more about how we continue to help our alumni thrive!

Read More about Rochambeau, un accompagnement jusqu'aux portes de l'université !