Teacher with students in the classroom

Parent Involvement

Parent engagement is essential to the success of our students and our entire community.

Rochambeau is delighted to receive the gift of your time, enthusiasm and talent!

We are extremely grateful to the many parents and family members who volunteer in a variety of ways. Without your support, many of our events and programs would not be possible. The success of our school is directly related to the involvement of parents.

For more information on volunteering, please contact us: communication@rochambeau.org.

There are many different levels of involvement, depending on a parent's availability and desired level of engagement


Parent News

Votez le 9 octobre | Parent Elections

Merci aux parents se portant candidats aux élections. Prenez le temps de lire leurs professions de foi. Les élections se déroulent en ligne le mercredi 9 octobre. Nous comptons sur votre participation !

Parents have stepped forward for election! Please take a moment to read their statements. Online elections will take place on Wednesday, October 9 - thank you for your participation and support! 

Read More about Votez le 9 octobre | Parent Elections