In its mission statement, Rochambeau, the French International School, values openness to the community, and to the wider world. While completing Community Service, you will expand your horizons, and become a responsible, active citizen.
Community Service at Rochambeau refers to a service that a student performs for the benefit of the broader community. By planning, implementing, and reflecting on their service, students will develop a sense of civic engagement.
What are the benefits of Community Service?
► TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE: It gives students the opportunity to make a change in the community, to improve lives, and to see the direct impact of their work.
► TO GAIN EXPERIENCE: Responsibilities and moral conduct can boost student’s confidence, social and communication skills, foster leadership qualities and improve organizational skills.
► TO LEARN ABOUT DIFFERENT CAREERS: Community service can be a valuable experience to help students decide which paths they want to pursue. These hands-on opportunities whether volunteering in an animal shelter, a hospital, a museum, a lab, a school or a park, can help students develop their social networks, obtain internships and future employment.
► TO ENHANCE PERSONAL GROWTH: Service is conducive for student’s reflection of one’s values, responsibilities, and strengths.
Why are Community Service hours important?
- Community service hours are required or favored by most North American universities. In some cases, students with community service experience are eligible for scholarship opportunities and awards. “Grandes Ecoles” in France may also apply this model.
- The Documentation Forms will be part of the student’s Citizenship Portfolio, and reviewed for Special Awards like the Van Hollen Public Service award.
- Our University Counseling Department will highlight students’ service in the letters of recommendation sent as part of the college application process.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi