Teacher with students in the classroom


Le projet s’inscrit dans le cadre de notre démarche de développement durable. Ce projet implique l’installation de ruches pour héberger, soigner et étudier les abeilles domestiques ou mellifères, Apis mellifera.


Notre Ruche

Our hive, in the foreground (May 11, 2023) is a model of a Kenyan hive, or horizontal bar hive, Top Bar Hive or TBH. The roof is removable. It protects the surface of the bars against bad weather and against unwanted visitors. On the last page is a photo of the open hive.

The Queen Bee of RochamBees
This bee is of the Carniolan subspecies, A. mellifera carnica. Among other characteristics,  it stands out for its good behavior and it rarely stings. These are behavioral traits that the queen passes on to her daughters, the workers of the colony.

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