Who can help you?
Secondary: Vie Scolaire
Contact email: viescolaire@rochambeau.org
Contact telephone Collège/Middle school : 301-530-8260 ext 272
Contact telephone Lycée High School : 301-530-8260 ext 251
Please email viescolaire@rochambeau.org. The email will be directed the right person.
Student Services Manager | Chef de Service Vie Scolaire
Corinne Dalliere-Sinnassamy
Attachée d'éducation - Collège, Education Counselor - Middle School, Référente 6e
Sabiratou Youssoufou Radji
Attachée d'éducation - Collège, Education Counselor - Middle School, Référente 4e
Stephanie Carlier
Assistant Education Counselor - middle school, Attachée d'éducation - Collège, Référente 3e
Lara Deryeghiayan
Attachée d'éducation - Lycée, Education Counselor - High School, Service des Examens | Exams
For Secondary students:
PRONOTE is a secure web portal for the parents and students from 6th to 12th grade. It provides them with the following information:
- Student class schedule and teachers
- Dates and grades of tests given
- Homework assigned
- The tests given to your child
- Any modification in the weekly schedule, teachers or other news
A username and password is sent to all families in the beginning of the school year.
Questions? Please contact pronotesupport@rochambeau.org
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