Teacher with students in the classroom


The generosity and hard work of those who came before us have helped Rochambeau to flourish and grow into one of the nation's premier bilingual university prep schools. To achieve such results, the school depends on the philanthropic support of its community - parents, grandparents, alumni, teachers, staff and friends - who believe an investment in our school is a worthy commitment!

As a not-for-profit organization, philanthropic support allows Rochambeau to attract and retain outstanding teachers, to invest in new academic programs and projects, to make it accessible to a diverse student population, to maintain and improve our facilities, and, most importantly, to enrich the educational experiences of our students.

We are counting on your support and are here to help you find the best way for you to get involved. Please contact the Communications and Marketing Office with any questions or to discuss how you can contribute to a great cause, our student's education. We look forward to hearing from you!

Rochambeau's Nonprofit tax ID number is: 

Thank you !

I give to Rochambeau because I want to give my children the world.

Support News

Barbecue de la Rentrée | This Saturday @ Maplewood!

Profitez d'un délicieux barbecue, de musique live, de matchs de football... Immortalisez ce moment familial au photobooth et visitez les stands de nos partenaires. N'oubliez pas votre gourde - notre équipe RochamBIO sera sur place pour vous aider au recyclage des déchets ! Toutes les infos en un clic !

Enjoy a delicious BBQ, live music, soccer fun games... Capture memories at the photobooth and visit our partner booths. Don’t forget your water bottle—our RochamBIO squad will be on-site to help with recycling. Let’s kick off the year together! All info in 1 click!

Read More about Barbecue de la Rentrée | This Saturday @ Maplewood! (opens in new window/tab)
Rochambeau en Démarche de Développement Durable | EFE3D certification

Excellente nouvelle ! L'école secondaire de Rochambeau a reçu le label EFE3D de niveau 2 pour son engagement en faveur du développement durable ! Cette reconnaissance souligne nos efforts continus en matière de recyclage, de jardinage et de sensibilisation à l'environnement, menés par nos éco-délégués, enseignants et élèves dévoués. Notre prochain objectif est d'obtenir la certification pour l'école primaire avant de viser le niveau 3 - ensemble, nous pouvons y arriver !

Exciting news! Rochambeau's Secondary School was awarded the EFE3D Level 2 label for its commitment to sustainable development! This recognition highlights our ongoing efforts in recycling, gardening, and eco-awareness, driven by dedicated eco-delegates, teachers, and students. Our next goal is to achieve certification for the Primary School before aiming to reach Level 3—together, we can make it happen!

Read More about Rochambeau en Démarche de Développement Durable | EFE3D certification
 En hommage à la mémoire de notre chère enseignante Jocelyne Harrington | Honoring the Memory of Our Dear Faculty Jocelyne Harrington

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Jocelyne Harrington, qui était enseignante en CE1 l'an dernier. Nos pensées et nos prières accompagnent sa famille, ses enfants, ses petits-enfants et ses amis en cette période douloureuse. 

It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of our beloved Elementary teacher (in CE1 last year), Jocelyne Harrington. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, children, grandchildren and friends at this painful and challenging time. 

Read More about En hommage à la mémoire de notre chère enseignante Jocelyne Harrington | Honoring the Memory of Our Dear Faculty Jocelyne Harrington