Teacher with students in the classroom


The generosity and hard work of those who came before us have helped Rochambeau to flourish and grow into one of the nation's premier bilingual university prep schools. To achieve such results, the school depends on the philanthropic support of its community - parents, grandparents, alumni, teachers, staff and friends - who believe an investment in our school is a worthy commitment!

As a not-for-profit organization, philanthropic support allows Rochambeau to attract and retain outstanding teachers, to invest in new academic programs and projects, to make it accessible to a diverse student population, to maintain and improve our facilities, and, most importantly, to enrich the educational experiences of our students.

We are counting on your support and are here to help you find the best way for you to get involved. Please contact the Communications and Events Office with any questions or to discuss how you can contribute to a great cause, our student's education. We look forward to hearing from you!

Rochambeau's Nonprofit tax ID number is: 

Thank you !

I give to Rochambeau because I want to give my children the world.

Support News

Rochambeau célèbre la tradition française de la Galette des Rois

Le 10 janvier, plus de 500 personnes se sont réunis pour célébrer la traditionnelle Galette des Rois, réunissant élèves, familles et personnel. Un grand merci à l’Association des Parents de Rochambeau (PAR) pour l’organisation de ce bel événement, à RochamBIO pour leurs efforts en matière d'environnement, et à tous les bénévoles pour leur temps et leur soutien. Lisez-en plus sur cet événement et cette joyeuse célébration !

On January 10, over 500 members of our community gathered to enjoy the cherished French tradition of the Galette des Rois, connecting students and families. Special thanks to the Parents Association of Rochambeau (PAR) for organizing this wonderful event, to RochamBIO for their efforts in promoting sustainability, and to all the volunteers for their time and support. Read more about the event and this joyful celebration!

Read More about Rochambeau célèbre la tradition française de la Galette des Rois
Another wonderful International Food Festival this year!

La deuxième édition de l'International Food Festival qui a eu lieu le 23 novembre dernier sur le campus de Forest, a de nouveau rencontré un très grand succès, réunissant élèves, parents, enseignants et membres du personnel autour de la diversité culturelle de notre école.

The second edition of the International Food Festival, held on November 23rd at the Forest campus, was a resounding success, bringing together students, parents, teachers, and staff to celebrate the cultural diversity within our school community.

Read More about Another wonderful International Food Festival this year!
MERCI | A big thank you for your donations!

Nous souhaitons simplement vous dire "MERCI" pour votre soutien ! Votre don nous rapproche petit à petit de la concrétisation de nos projets de collecte de fonds : plus de 50 000$ sur 150 000$ ! Cliquez pour découvrir les 10 classes qui ont gagné une pizza party !

We thank you for your support of our school! Your gift is bringing us one step closer to developing our fundraising projects: over $50,000 of $150,000! Click to discover the 10 lucky classrooms who won a pizza party!

Read More about MERCI | A big thank you for your donations! (opens in new window/tab)